Vertical Transport Consultant

Vertical Transport Consultant

Looking for a UK Vertical Transport Consultant?

Tower Lifts clients choose us because of the reputation we’ve built over the past two decades. Our specialist team provides lift design, installation and maintenance in the UK and internationally. As a result we have built a comprehensive knowledge of the sector. We’re now delighted to be able to share that knowledge with clients who are looking for a vertical transport consultant in the UK.

Our vertical transport consultancy service is tailored to the specific requirements of clients. Whether you’re a contractor, architect, building owner, developer, or local authority we can provide specialist advice, surveys and reports to support your vertical transport project and compliance.

Vertical Transport Consultancy Services

The role of a lift consultant is bespoke to each business. The basic components, however, will comprise:

1. Maintenance, Servicing and LOLER Compliance

If you own, or use premises with a working lift, you are responsible for its maintenance. LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) regulations require that lifting equipment is examined regularly in order to ensure the safety of users.

A Tower Lifts consultant can manage your LOLER compliance:

  • Periodic Thorough Examination. LOLER requires that is carried out by a ‘competent person’. Our consultants can carry out this examination.
  • Regular Preventive Maintenance. If you have a legacy maintenance contract, we can carry out an audit to ensure that the work is competent and thorough. Alternatively we can help businesses to find a maintenance company for their vertical transportation.

2. Vertical Transport Design & Installation in New Buildings

We can offer a fully comprehensive service:

  • Lift design
  • Lift configuration analysis
  • Specifications
  • Technical data
  • Tenders
  • Project Management
  • Health & Safety co-ordination

3. Lift Modernisation/Refurbishment

The modernisation/refurbishment of an existing lift can prove a cost-effective alternative to lift replacement. Our vertical transport consultant provides an assessment of your lift in its current condition, and a range of options to consider:

  • Component Refurbishment. Lift components are replaced in a ‘like for like’ way. The life of the components is extended but not upgraded.
  • Component Modernisation. Vertical transport components are replaced with the most up-to-date version. This upgrades your lift and often provides efficiency savings.

We can also provide project management for carrying out the work.

A Tower Lifts Vertical Transport Consultant is Trusted by Business

The reputation Tower Lifts has built means that we are trusted by business networks across the UK. Our consultants understand the issues that businesses face when managing vertical transport, and we have a detailed knowledge of industry standards and regulations. Most important, we care about high-quality lift provision.

Working with a Tower Lifts vertical transport consultant provides the peace of mind that you have access to our accumulated expertise, whenever you need it.

A Tower Lifts vertical transport consultant has two decades of practical experience as a leading provider in the sector. For consultancy on construction/design, maintenance, regulations, or modernisation, call us on 01525 601099

Tower Lifts carry out design and installation on a varied range of lifts throughout the UK including:

Domestic Lifts • Food Lifts • Bespoke Platform Lifts • Service Lifts • Platform Lifts • Goods Lifts • Scenic Lifts • Heavy Duty / Car Lifts • Passenger Lifts • Dumbwaiter Lifts • MRL Lifts • Fire lifts • Residential Lifts • low-Headroom Lift