Hotel Dumbwaiter
3 Reasons to Invest in a Hotel Dumbwaiter
Whatever the size of your hotel business, logistics will lie at the heart of it. Luggage has to arrive in the correct rooms promptly. Meals need to be delivered hot to restaurant guests. Dirty laundry has to be removed and clean laundry be made available to replace it, every day, to a strict schedule. The logistics demand a small army of staff to fulfil them, as well as a lift system to facilitate transport of people and goods.
Front-of-house passenger lifts transport guests to and from their rooms. Backstage there’s the goods lifts. Large hotels will most likely have a number of goods lifts, each with a different task. Smaller hotels may just rely on one workhorse of a lift to do it all; the hotel dumbwaiter.
A Commercial Dumbwaiter for Use in Hotels
The dumbwaiter lift is found in restaurants, retail outlets, hospitals, warehouses and pubs. It’s the ideal solution for business owners who need efficient logistics. This small goods lift is easy to install and simple to operate. It can be adapted to the specific needs of its operating environment, and – with regular maintenance – will last for years.
Tower Lifts engineers have been installing bespoke hotel lift systems for nearly two decades now. For us there are 3 standout reasons to invest in a hotel dumbwaiter as an integral part of your vertical transport design:
Tower Lifts Food Service Lifts Features
- Great Logistics – Great Health & Safety. Asking people to run up and down stairs with goods that need to be delivered fast will, at some point result in injury. The dumbwaiter clears staircases and works tirelessly delivering goods across multiple floors.
- Laundry, Food, Luggage. No matter what you want to transport, your hotel dumbwaiter can be designed to take the load. We design easy to clean, stainless steel interiors for lifts carrying food. The size and height of the cabinet can also be customised.
- An Attractive Feature. Dumbwaiters have been around for over 100 years and they’re iconic. Many restaurants and shops are now moving their dumbwaiters from backstage to centre stage. We can customise the look of your hotel dumbwaiter as you require.
Maintenance is Important With a Dumbwaiter
A well designed dumbwaiter will rarely have a day off and should be in use constantly. For this reason they’re designed to be durable, but goods lifts need maintenance. Tower Lifts create maintenance contracts for their dumbwaiter clients. We will schedule services according to the function, volume and use of your lift. And with a maintenance contract, you’ll never need to worry about dumbwaiter repairs, because we’re available 24/7.
Working With Tower Lifts
We’re a leading UK provider of dumbwaiters in the commercial and residential sectors. Our service is comprehensive, from design, through manufacturing, installation and maintenance. Every lift we install is designed specifically for its unique operating environment. All Tower Lifts’ engineers are ISO 9001, SafeContractor and CHAS accredited.
Would you like to talk to a Tower Lifts engineer about a hotel dumbwaiter? Call us today on 01525 601099
Tower Lifts carry out design and installation on a varied range of lifts throughout the UK including:
Domestic Lifts • Food Lifts • Bespoke Platform Lifts • Service Lifts • Platform Lifts • Goods Lifts • Scenic Lifts • Heavy Duty / Car Lifts • Passenger Lifts • Dumbwaiter Lifts • MRL Lifts • Fire lifts • Residential Lifts • low-Headroom Lift