Healthcare Lifts

Tower Lifts – Your Trusted Partner for Safe & Efficient Hospital Lifts

Designing and installing healthcare lifts for hospitals, clinics, and care homes is a specialised field. The operational demands are high, with strict physical requirements and adherence to essential regulations like the UK’s Health Technical Memorandum (HTM). Navigating this process can be complex, demanding expertise and absolute commitment to detail.

Two Decades of Trusted Expertise in Healthcare Lifts

At Tower Lifts, our team has been creating bespoke vertical transport solutions for the UK healthcare sector over the past two decades. We understand the critical role that lifts play in ensuring the safe and efficient movement of patients, staff, and essential equipment. Our unwavering commitment to professionalism, safety, and customer service is at the forefront of everything we do.

Healthcare Lifts – Tower Lifts’ Comprehensive Solutions

Efficient movement within a hospital is vital, whether it’s for patients, staff, or essential resources. Tower Lifts designs vertical transport solutions that are tailored to the unique demands of healthcare environments, ensuring excellent performance and reliability.

Our comprehensive range includes:

  • Passenger Lifts for Hospitals – Designed for high traffic and a range of users, our passenger lifts ensure smooth, accessible movement for outpatients, visitors, and staff throughout the facility. We prioritise safety, durability, and compliance with the most stringent regulations.
  • Hospital Bed Lifts (2500kg/33 persons) – These spacious lifts (1800mm x 2700mm with a 1400mm door) comfortably accommodate beds, equipment, and accompanying staff. They are built for heavy-duty use and prioritise patient comfort and safety during transfers.
  • Stretcher Lifts (1600kg/20 persons) – Versatile for both patient transport and general use, our stretcher lifts feature specially designed handrails for an unobstructed central space (1400mm x 2400mm). They offer ample capacity and a 1400mm door for easy access.
  • Evacuation Lifts – Critical for emergency situations, these lifts ensure the safe evacuation of individuals with limited mobility. They are equipped with features like key control access, backup power, and access to all floors, adhering to rigorous safety standards.
  • Goods Only Lifts – Essential for hospital logistics, our goods lifts efficiently transport supplies, laundry, food, and equipment throughout the facility. We assess your specific needs to design lifts that optimise the flow of resources, ensuring smooth operations.

Healthcare covers a variety of settings and unique requirements. We work closely with you to understand your specific challenges and design solutions that recognise your particular needs, whether it’s maximising space efficiency or prioritising disability access.

Tower Lifts’ Commitment to Inclusive Healthcare Lifts

Accessibility isn’t just a feature at Tower Lifts; it’s a fundamental principle. We understand that hospital elevators play a crucial role in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who uses the facilities.

Our designs prioritise:

  • Universal Design – Our lifts are designed with a broad range of users in mind. This means spacious cabins with ample room for wheelchairs and stretchers, intuitive controls with large buttons and braille, and clear signage for easy navigation.
  • Smooth and Level Boarding – We eliminate thresholds and ensure level boarding to prevent trips and falls, making it easy for patients with mobility issues to enter and exit the lift.
  • Handrails and Grab Bars – Strategically placed handrails and grab bars provide additional support and stability for all passengers.
  • Voice Announcements and Visual Displays – For those with visual impairments, our lifts can be equipped with voice announcements and clear visual displays to indicate floors and directions.
  • Emergency Communication Systems – We include two-way communication systems within the lift for added safety and peace of mind.
  • Customisation for Specific Needs – We can tailor lift designs to accommodate specific requirements, such as bariatric lifts for patients with larger frames or lifts with specialised features for transporting delicate medical equipment.

Supporting Staff and Patients

Accessible lifts play a vital role in enhancing the patient experience and supporting staff efficiency. By facilitating independent movement within the hospital, we help patients to maintain their autonomy and improve their overall well-being.

For staff, accessible lifts streamline workflows, reducing the physical strain associated with patient transfers and equipment transport. This allows them to focus on delivering exceptional care.

Passenger Lifts For Hospitals

Healthcare Lifts Maintenance and Repairs

Maintaining peak performance of your healthcare lifts is essential in a fast-paced hospital environment. Tower Lifts provides comprehensive maintenance and repair services to keep your lifts operating smoothly and safely.

Proactive Maintenance for Reliable Performance

Regular maintenance is key to preventing unexpected breakdowns and ensuring compliance with LOLER regulations. Our maintenance and servicing packages are designed to meet the specific needs of your facility, whether you require inspections every six months for goods lifts or frequent service visits for high-traffic passenger lifts.

Our expertise allows us to detect early signs of wear and tear, swiftly dealing with minor issues before they escalate into major problems. This proactive approach minimises downtime and extends the lifespan of your lifts.

24/7 Emergency Breakdown Service

We understand that a lift breakdown can disrupt hospital operations. That’s why our maintenance contracts include a 24/7 emergency call-out service. Our skilled technicians are trained in passenger management and prioritise safety, ensuring prompt response and efficient repairs to minimise disruption.

Your Healthcare Lift Experts

Tower Lifts engineers have a detailed understanding of the unique requirements of healthcare environments. We collaborate closely with healthcare stakeholders to ensure that our lift solutions not only meet the stringent guidelines set out in the Department of Health’s Technical Memorandum and the Care Quality Commission’s standards but also align with your specific operational needs and the high standards of care you strive to provide.

Ready to discuss your healthcare lift project? Contact Tower Lifts today for a free consultation. Our team will work with you to design a bespoke solution that elevates your facility’s accessibility, efficiency, and overall patient experience.

Tower Lifts carry out design and installation on a varied range of lifts throughout the UK including:

Domestic Lifts • Food Lifts • Bespoke Platform Lifts • Service Lifts • Platform Lifts • Goods Lifts • Scenic Lifts • Heavy Duty / Car Lifts • Passenger Lifts • Dumbwaiter Lifts • MRL Lifts • Fire lifts • Residential Lifts • low-Headroom Lift