Elevator Maintenance Services

Passenger lifts, goods elevators and disability platform lifts provide critical support to shops, businesses and industries across the UK. Without them we would find the pace and efficiency of daily working life slackening, and access for older and disabled users severely limited. Elevator installation is now the norm in the majority of commercial buildings – and with it comes responsibility for ongoing elevator maintenance.

Tower Lifts has been installing elevators for more than a decade now, and we consider our elevator maintenance services to be key to a safe, efficient, and comfortable vertical transport experience for passengers. We create tailored maintenance contracts for our clients, dependent on the age, service history, function and volume of use of elevators requiring attention.

Regulations Requiring Elevator Maintenance Services

Elevator maintenance isn’t a choice; it’s a legal responsibility that falls to building managers or owners with lifts used by employees or the public. There’s a number of regulatory bodies to be aware of:

The complexity involved in achieving and maintaining compliance means that elevator maintenance is usually contracted out to an experienced elevator maintenance specialist.

A Range of Elevator Maintenance Services

Elevator maintenance is carried out regularly in order to ensure that all passengers, or operators of lift machinery, can trust to the safety and high performance of the equipment they’re using. Maintenance and servicing also has a preventive function, which prolongs the life of the lift, and seeks to reduce the risk of breakdown and its attendant risk to disruption of business.

1. Basic Lift Maintenance – Required Bi-Annually

  • Safety Gears
  • Main Drive System
  • Hydraulics
  • Braking Systems
  • Suspension Ropes and Chains
  • Electrics
  • Overload Detections
  • Cabin Doors, Landing Doors, Interlocks

2. Wheelchair Lift Maintenance

Platform lifts installed in order to provide access for wheelchair users require additional maintenance check to the basics above. These checks will ensure that your lift remains compliant with the most up-to-date DDA regulations. Where upgrades are available our lift engineers will make recommendations and install.

3. Lift Repair Service

Tower Lifts maintenance services for elevators will normally include ongoing repair and emergency repair services. This offers peace of mind that, should your elevator breakdown day or night an experienced lift engineers will be with you promptly to provide repairs and restore service. In the majority of cases we’re able to get your lift up and running within hours.

Tailored Maintenance Schedules for Tower Lifts Clients

No two lifts do the same job, which is why every Tower Lifts elevator maintenance contract is tailored to the individual needs of the business it serves. Once we’ve agreed the schedule, Tower Lifts maintenance engineers will carry out the checks as agreed, provide subsequent reports and recommendations, and make running repairs or install upgrades as necessary.

Tower Lifts offers a comprehensive range of elevator maintenance services which are individually tailored to your business needs. Call us today on 01525 601099