The Dumbwaiter Lift Service That’s in High Demand

For a shop owner or restaurateur, however sophisticated technologies become, there are still basic human services that we enjoy and will continue to have to manage for decades to come – such as the efficient delivery of hot meals to our restaurant table, or the help and advice of retail assistants who can deliver the goods we need to the shop floor without delay. Whilst these interactions are intensely human, highly professional service depends upon technology to function at the highest level. The dumb waiter lift service was one of the earliest uses to which vertical transport technology was put, because it provided restaurants and busy hotels with the facility to get food to its customers piping hot, without requiring waiters to arrive red-face at the table having just run up numerous flights of stairs!

Dumb Waiter Lift Service Increases Productivity

Over the past few years our dumb waiter lift engineers have seen a steady rise in demand for this sturdy and resilient technology across catering, retail and domestic establishments. We have recently been working with leading brands such as Scuh, and JD Sports; their particular retail experience requires careful consultation with customers who can require four or five pairs of shoes being delivered to the shop floor before a choice is made. Rather than losing retail assistants from the shop floor – leaving customers waiting to be served – these shoe retailers decided to have a dumb waiter installed which would automate the delivery of goods to customers. The results have been measurable in the rise of productivity on the part of staff, and the increased satisfaction of customers.

Dumbwaiter Lift Service

A Compact Goods Lift That’s Easy to Install

Whilst our dumb waiter lift engineers have advised on huge numbers of light goods solutions over the years, they understand that excellent service demonstrates an acute attention to detail and collaborative discussion. We will always spend time with our clients to discuss their needs, the weight of goods to be transported, and the volume of goods traffic the lift would be expected to manage each day. Only after we have a sense of the business will we make our recommendations, because only then can we be sure that the solution will match our clients’ requirements to the letter. Once an agreement is reached our dumb waiter lift engineer will schedule installation, once more taking into account the retail routine of the location in order to support rather than hamper business as usual.

Our clients report that having a dumb waiter installed was like employing at least two new members of staff to do the fetching and carrying – leaving existing staff members to provide the human touch.

If your business has a dumbwaiter installed which requires repairs, we have a team of dedicated experts who will be able to assess, diagnose and plan the schedule of repairs to ensure a fix or replacement of your dumbwaiter lift.


If you would like to learn more about our Dumb waiter lifts, please contact us today on 01525 601099 or by email:

In addition to Dumbwaiters, we can also supply and install a range of lifts, throughout the UK including:

Domestic Lifts   Food Lifts Bespoke Platform Lifts  •  Service Lifts Platform Lifts Goods Lifts Scenic LiftsHeavy Duty / Car Lifts  • Passenger LiftsDumbwaiter Lifts • MRL Lifts • Fire lifts • Residential Lifts low-pit lifts or lifts with headroom restrictions