Case Study – Art Deco Passenger Lift for Irene House, Balham

Case Study – Art Deco Passenger Lift for Irene House, Balham

Case Study – Art Deco Passenger Lift for Irene House, Balham

Irene House in Balham is a stylish Art Deco building originally constructed in the 1940s and, throughout the 1950s and 60s, was the site of government offices. It’s now been transformed into luxury apartment housing, comprising 84 1–2-bedroom apartments.

Tower Lifts is delighted to have been a part of this elegant conversion. We have installed a 6 stop, 8-person lift providing vertical transport to all floors.

Bespoke Lift Interior Finishes

The interior décor of Irene House is designed by Jigsaw Interior Design, and it takes the art deco style of the building as its inspiration. The building interiors feature bold geometric shapes, enhanced by the use of strong colours. The design of the passenger lift cabin interior was specified by our client, reflecting the elegant art deco theme.

The inner walls are finished in a rich brown veneer, contrasting with the caramel perforated facing surrounding the lift doors. The interior wall facing the doors is fitted with a mirror. The lift floor is perhaps the most striking feature; it’s a classic art deco geometric design picked out in bold black and white relief.

A Playful Meeting of Past and Present Technologies

Period features such as the signage outside the lift, and the geometrically situated lift directional arrows, contrast playfully with the stylish floor indicator digital display in the lift interior. This not only tells you which floor you’re on, it also provides information about energy consumption and the speed at which you are travelling.

The lift cabin interior is treated with CernoTex, a ceramic, anti-fingerprint film. This clever technology reduces the adhesion of fingerprints on surfaces and makes cleaning easier. It also improves the aesthetic quality of the finish.

About Tower Lifts

For over 15 years now, the Tower Lifts team has been designing and installing bespoke passenger lifts, platform lifts and goods lifts across London. We provide 24/7 emergency lift repairs which is included in our tailored maintenance and servicing contracts. Tower Lifts is a ‘full service’ lift company offering comprehensive packages, whatever your requirements.

Would you like to talk to a Tower Lifts engineer about lift installation, refurbishment or upgrades? Call us today on 01525 601099

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